HAZWOPER stands for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. There are a number of different courses under the HAZWOPER training catalog it can quickly become confusing when figuring out which training course you actually need. Workers who deal with or work near hazardous chemicals on a regular basis definitely need...
Who needs asbestos training?
More people need than you may think, it's not just for people who know they will be dealing with asbestos on a regular basis. Those who need to be able to identify potential asbestos containing hazards in building renovations. Knowing what kinds of things could possibly contain asbestos is the...
Save 5% on Lead Training in February
For the month of February, 2014, NATEC International Inc. is offering a 5% discount on all lead training courses. Once you add a class to the shopping cart on natecintl.com, add the promo code 5LEADFEB to receive 5% off the list price of your course enrollment. The promotion should then...
Lazarus Energy LLC fined $43,400 for Chemical Hazard Exposures to Employees. Nixon, Texas
The importance of understanding the health and safety of employees is vital to any corporation or company. Understanding the liabilities caused by such adverse conditions may help in the prevention of workplace injury and illness. As for Lazarus Energy, a chemical refinement company in Nixon, Texas, the company is suffering...
Workplace Reports Going Electronic
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed making it mandatory that workplace reports be submitted electronically, which would provide the public with access to these reports electronically. Bringing this system of reporting into the modern age of technology has many advantages, including the public and OSHA's ability to monitor...
Lead Exposure Continues To Impact Lives, Especially In Construction
Although lead-based paint was banned from new buildings starting in 1978, the impact of the buildings painted with lead-based paint before the ban continue to impact the lives of those who inhabit and work within them. It is extremely important to keep yourself protected when working with lead-based paint because...
New OSHA Silica Standards Not Protecting Workers
It's a positive thing that OSHA has become more strict on Silica standards, nobody would complain about that, but where people are complaining is in the lack of enforcement of these new standards. OSHA can make the standards as strict as they want but if they have cannot monitor and...
Renovation, Repair and Painting Courses Enrolling Now
NATEC International Inc.'s Renovation Repair and Painting courses for 2014 are now currently in enrollment. Classes are filling up fast as many workers need training to be in compliance with OSHA standards. If you are an employer it is important to keep your employees adequately trained for the job and...
OSHA Now Taking Complaints Online
In a recent announcement it appears the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has moved into the 21st century by now allowing whistle blowers to file their complaint through online form. This should make the process of filing a complaint much more efficient. The online form includes information...
NATEC International: A Leader in Lead Training
NATEC International, Inc. offers a number of courses for lead safety certification. These courses include Lead Awareness, Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor, Renovation Repair & Painting, Lead Supervisor Supplemental, Lead Worker and more! The company also offers many of these courses in Spanish as well to accommodate those Spanish speakers in the state...