New Legislative Developments in California’s Lead-Based Paint Regulations

NATEC International, Inc. is committed to keeping you informed about important regulatory updates that impact our industry. A significant legislative development is underway with Senate Bill 1076 (SB 1076) – Lead-Based Paint, which is set to reshape the landscape of Lead-Based paint regulations in California.

What is SB 1076?

SB 1076 aims to update the existing Title 17 Lead-Based paint regulations, which have not been revised since 2008. This bill will also develop and harmonize new Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) regulations with these updates. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) plans to seek authorization from the US EPA to operate a California specific RRP program, shifting oversight from the federal to the state level.

Why is this Important?

CDPH’s change proposes to streamline compliance and enforcement under a unified state-regulated framework, enhancing the effectiveness of lead safety practices in renovation and construction. According to the CDPH, the creation of a new renovation section within Title 17 will facilitate the management of these RRP programs.

Industry Consultation and Feedback

In preparation for these regulatory changes, the CDPH has been actively engaging with accredited training providers like NATEC International and industry professionals. They have sought industry feedback on potential impacts and improvements to ensure the regulations effectively address current industry challenges and needs. Feedback was requested on various aspects of the Title 17 updates, with the industry providing insights by October 20, 2023.

As NATEC International, we are on standby for more detailed information and will continue to update our training programs and services to align with new regulatory requirements.

Stay tuned to our blog for more updates as we navigate these changes together, ensuring that our industry remains at the forefront of environmental safety and health.

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