The week of October 20th to the 26th is the California Department of Health (CDPH)’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. This week is to further inform the general population about the dangers of Lead Poisoning and where it may be present in our daily lives. Lead exposure in adults is usually spread on-the-job. Some of the occupations that run high risks of lead exposure include: Residential Painters, Scrap Metal Workers and Firing Range Employees.
Unfortunately, children receive the secondhand effect of adult employees exposed to lead. Children can be poisoned by “take-home lead” if workers bring lead dust from work into the home through their clothes, shoes, and/or tools. Buildings built before 1978 are also a cause for Lead Exposure.
Lead Poisoning can cause substantial health repercussions including increased blood pressure, decreased brain function, decreased kidney function, and developmental disabilities for unborn children. Lead can easily be transmitted into the body through the dust in the air, hands, face, or even on the food you eat. CDPH has released an updated Workplace Hazard Guide for additional information.
As an employer, you must implement methods of safety that prevent Lead Exposure to your employees. This includes but is not limited to: an assessment of lead hazards, developing a medical program and training your employees on safe work practices around lead. Providing your employees the correct tools to prevent lead exposure are key to these methods. This includes but is not limited to: the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Respirators, wet cleaning methods, HEPA vacuums and wash-up facilities (including showers). For additional information, please review the Basics of a Lead Health & Safety Program provided by the CDPH.
As always, NATEC International can provide your company with the training services you need to ensure your firm is compliant. We provide Lead Renovator, Repair and Painting Initial and Refresher Training, Lead and Air Monitoring services to ensure that your employees are qualified and safe to work around Lead Exposure.
Call us today to find out more information: