Stormwater Courses
Growing Communities and protecting Earth’s most vital resource- water. Your Stormwater Program plays a crucial role in protecting our Earth’s most vital resource- water. A comprehensive and practical plan will save you money and still protect aquatic life. With NATEC International, Inc., you can feel secure in knowing that your construction projects are protecting vital resources for the future while building communities.
Rainfall can cause many problems for construction sites. Runoff water can flow through stockpiled construction material or across disturbed soil areas and pick up pollutants or sediment. The runoff typically ends up in streams or rivers that flow to the ocean.
Information About The New Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) Regulations: On September 2, 2009, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) adopted Order No. 2009-009, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 IS, “Waste Discharge Requirements for Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction and land Disturbance Activities.” This new (3rd Term) Construction General Permit (CGP) raises some questions regarding the applicability of our 24-HOUR Construction Stormwater Workshop.
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