Once again NATEC International, Inc. continues to expand our online training opportunities. We are pleased to announce our new EPA approved Online Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Refresher!
The Online Lead Renovation, Repair, & Painting Refresher Course (RRP-R), focuses on procedures for minimizing lead dust generation, soil contamination during maintenance, renovation, and remodeling activities as defined by the U.S. EPA and U.S. HUD. These procedures are important in helping reduce the risk of lead exposure to employees, children, residents, and families of employees.
The Online Lead RRP-Refresher course consists of two parts:
Part 1: Online training (2.5 hours) – This part is completed online at your convenience.
Part 2: In Person Hands-On Assessment & Final Exam (1.5 hours)- This part will require you to come into our facility where you will complete 45 minutes of hands on and then 45 minutes to complete your exam.
The NATEC staff is available Monday-Saturday during regular business hours for technical support and troubleshooting.
Phone: 1-800-969-3228
Email: training@natecintl.com
Don’t forget about the Online CEG Course!
Since the The CEG Online Courses’ launch in early September, we have had many registrants successfully complete the course.
Click here to register CEG Online Course
FOR RRP Online Course: