California Statutes Related to Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Acts of 1986 and 1989
(California Health & Safety Code 124125 to 124165)
Declared childhood lead exposure as the most significant childhood environmental health problem in the state. Established the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program and instructed it to continue to take steps necessary to reduce the incidence of childhood lead exposure in California.  

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act of 1991
(California Health & Safety Code 105275 to 105310) 
Reaffirmed California’s commitment to lead poisoning prevention activities; provided CDPH with broad mandates on blood lead screening protocols, laboratory quality assurance, identification and management of lead exposed children, and reducing lead exposures.

Reporting of Elevated Blood Lead Levels by Medical Laboratories
(California Health & Safety Code 124130)
Requires laboratories analyzing human blood drawn in California for lead to report all blood lead test results, on persons of any age, to the State. Analyzing laboratories must also report specific information on the person tested and the test performed.

Lead-Safe Housing and Lead Hazards
(California Civil Code 1941.1; California Health & Safety Code 17961, 17980, 124130, 17920.10, 105251 to 105257)
Deems a building to be in violation of the State Housing Law if it contains lead hazards, and requires local enforcement agencies to enforce provisions related to lead hazards. Makes it a crime for a person to engage in specified acts related to lead hazard evaluation, abatement, and lead-related constructions courses, unless certified or accredited by the Department. Permits local enforcement agencies to order the abatement of lead hazards or issue a cease and desist order in response to lead hazards.

Lead Exposure Screening
(California Health & Safety Code 1367.3)
Requires health care service plans, covering hospital, medical, or surgical expenses on a group basis, to offer benefits that include screening for blood lead levels in at-risk children.

(California Insurance Code, Section 10119.8)
Requires insurers offering individual or group disability insurance policies, covering hospital, medical, or surgical expenses, to offer coverage for blood lead screening.

Real Estate Disclosure Requirements
(California Civil Code 1102 to 1102.16)
Requires the disclosure of known lead-based paint hazards upon sale of a property.

Lead-Safe Schools Protection Act
(California Education Code 32240 to 32245)
Implemented a lead poisoning prevention and protection program for California schools for a survey to ascertain risk factors that predicted lead contamination in public schools. The survey was completed in 1998. Findings of the survey are under Materials and Products.

Lead-Related Activities in Construction Work
(California Labor Code 6716 to 6717)
Provides for the establishment of standards that protect the health and safety of employees who engage in lead-related construction work, including construction, demolition, renovation and repair.

Lead in Children’s Toys
(California Health & Safety Code 108550 to 108580)
Prohibits the manufacture, sale, or exchange of toys with lead content in excess of the amount permitted by federal regulations.

Lead in Candy
(California Health & Safety Code 110552)
Limits the amount of lead in candies and lead in candy wrappers to naturally occurring levels.

Lead in Jewelry
(California Health & Safety Code 25214.1 to 25214.4.2)
Limits the amount of lead allowed in jewelry.

Lead in Plumbing
(California Health & Safety Code 116875 to 116880)
Requires the use of lead-free pipes and fixtures in any installation or repair of a public water system or in a facility where water is provided for human consumption.

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention
(California Health & Safety Code 105185 to 105197) 
Establishes an occupational lead poisoning prevention program to register and monitor laboratory reports of adult lead toxicity cases, monitor reported cases of occupational lead poisoning to ascertain lead poisoning sources, conduct investigations of take-home exposure cases, train employees and health professionals regarding occupational lead poisoning prevention, and recommended means for lead poisoning prevention.  

California Lead Poisoning Prevention Regulations
Title 17

California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Sections 37000 to 37100
For more information, please see Healthcare Providers pages.
Specifies a standard of care for health care providers, regarding screening and assessing for childhood lead poisoning. It includes anticipatory guidance, risk assessment, and blood lead testing for children at risk for lead poisoning.

California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 35001 et seq (PDF)
For more information, see the Lead-Related Construction pages.
Requirements for lead hazard evaluation and abatement activities, accreditation of training providers, and certification of individuals engaged in lead-based paint activities.

Title 8

California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1532.1 et seq
Worker protection requirements for employees conducting lead-related construction activities.

For additional information on these requirements, please feel free to contact us at or call us toll-free at 1-(800)969-3228.