Frequently Asked Questions

Our team has compiled as list of FAQs to ensure important inquiries can be answered instantly. As we continue to develop our FAQ list, you can always contact us with any questions you have.


You can view our training offices here.

Yes, we are open throughout all branches for in-person training. Due to the nature of state, local and federal mandates, social distancing and masking rules will apply.

NATEC International, Inc. adheres to all CDC, federal, state, and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 protocol.

Yes, we offer private training at client sites. Our Business Development Managers are ready to serve you for a custom quote. Contact us at

General Training

Yes, please submit a valid prior certification to to be able to attend your scheduled course and receive a new certification.

Proof of prior certification for CDPH or EPA lead courses only (except for EPA RRP classes) are not required, however it is important to know that it is the student’s responsibility to enroll for a refresher course within 2 years of their last training. 

NATEC provides individual certifications. To certify your firm, click the link below to apply through the EPA website.

Not necessarily. Whether to accept certification from another jurisdiction is up to the individual state or tribal area. EPA cannot compel states or tribes to adopt programs identical to the Federal program or to establish reciprocity provisions. However, EPA continues to encourage states and tribes that may be considering establishing their own renovation programs to keep reciprocity in mind as they move forward. 


Please review our terms and conditions located here:

Asbestos Training

Asbestos certificates are valid for 1 year. Refresher training is required every year to stay current. There is an additional 1-year grace period where refresher training can still be taken but the individual cannot perform any work related to their certificate during the grace period. All certificates that surpass the 2-year timeframe will need to take the initial course.

Please click the link below and locate the exam schedule (pdf) to view any upcoming exam dates through Cal-OSHA.

Asbestos Supervisor Initial, Asbestos Building Inspector Initial, Asbestos Management Planner Initial (Pre-requisite: Asbestos Building Inspector), Asbestos Project Designer Initial.

Asbestos Supervisor Initial, Asbestos Building Inspector Initial.

Lead Training

Certification is through your state and local regulatory agency. Check with your  certifying agency to see if a final state exam is required. 

Specifically for CDPH, certification is obtained after applying and successfully taking the exam.

Beyond someone trained as a “certified renovator”, the firm must also be certified by the EPA. To certify your firm, click the link below to apply through the EPA website.

For additional information, click here:

EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Initial certificates are valid for 5 years. Refresher training is required before the certificate expiration date. Refresher Certificates are valid for 3 years (without hands-on) and 5 years (with hands-on). All certificates that surpass the 5-year timeframe will need to take the 8-hour initial course.

This is the form given to students upon successful completion of an accredited CDPH lead course by an accredited training provider. Not to be confused with the CDPH certification see above which is issued by the CDPH.

This is also known as “refresher training”. It is the required refresher or continuing education required to maintain the CDPH certification. 

NATEC International, Inc. has created a PDF for your convenience. You may view or download it here: NATEC CDPH FAQ.

No, if you have not taken a refresher course within the two-year interval then an initial training will be required. Title 17 does not have a grace period for training.

No. Continuing education must be completed within two years of the date of training and every two years thereafter to stay up to date. Refresher training that surpasses the 2-year timeframe will not be approved by CDPH for a renewal certificate. The CDPH application will be rejected.

  • 35096. Certification, Interim Certification, and Renewal Procedures, states “(1) Certified or interim certified individuals shall complete a minimum of seven contact hours of continuing education instruction every two years to be eligible to apply for certification or interim certification renewal.

You will need to take the applicable initial course and re-apply to the CDPH. Contact the CDPH to determine if you need to re-take the CDPH lead exam.

Yes, please submit a valid prior certification to to be able to attend your scheduled course and receive a new certification.

Proof of prior certification for CDPH lead courses only are not required, however it is important to know that it is the student’s responsibility to enroll for a refresher course within 2 years of their last training.

Please click the link below to create your account and follow the necessary steps to apply through the CDPH online portal.   

Please call the lead hotline 1-800-597-5323 for any certification questions.

Continuing education must be completed within two years of the date of training and every two years thereafter to stay up to date. Refresher training that surpasses the 2-year timeframe will not be approved by CDPH for a renewal certificate.

  • 35096. Certification, Interim Certification, and Renewal Procedures, states “(1) Certified or interim certified individuals shall complete a minimum of seven contact hours of continuing education instruction every two years to be eligible to apply for certification or interim certification renewal.

Online/Virtual Training

Our publicly-held virtual courses are hosted on the Zoom platform for Educators, however for our private clients, we are able to accommodate other platforms such as Microsoft Teams and more.

Our virtual courses are with a live instructor on a set date and time. Our online courses are self-paced.

For more information:

Webcam is required for all Lead classes. Wi-Fi/Internet Connection, Speakers, Mic, Zoom (Laptops, tablets, PC, or smartphones can be used).

Zoom Links are sent out 3 days prior to the scheduled class date to the email address you      provided. If you have not received your link or if you are experiencing technical issues, please check your spam inbox or contact

Once you register, a login for the class will be sent from our online training department to your email address that you provided on your registration. Students are required to have their own unique email to access the online training. Once you receive your login, you can begin your course and must finish within 14 days. If you have not received your login information or if you are experiencing any technical issues, please check your spam inbox or contact

General Inquiries


NATEC International, Inc. is the benchmark leader in Environmental and Safety Training. With over 35 years of practical, industry proven instruction and experience, NATEC provides the training options you need.

For Email and Purchase Orders, Download Registration Forms here:

Recent Blog Posts


NATEC International, Inc. has updated our publicly held class start times for all branches. Please be aware as this will affect current and future training courses.


  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.
  • All other training courses are now to begin at 8:00AM with the exception of:

NATEC Oakland:

  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.

NATEC Sacramento:

  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.

Thank you for your understanding.