EPA’s Final Rule on Dust-Lead Hazard Standards (Effective January 6th, 2020)


As part of the EPA’s childhood lead exposure prevention efforts, the EPA has re-evaluated the current dust-lead hazard standards (DLHS). Based on their evaluation, this rule now revises the DLHS from 40 µg/ft 2 and 250 µg/ft² to 10 µg/ft² and 100 µg/ft² on floors and window sills, respectively. This standard increases the stringent regulations to ensure that lead exposure is minimized at all costs for all whom are exposed.

Standard Applications:

The revision of the DLHS applies to person(s) who conduct Lead-based Paint Activities in accordance with 40 CFR 745.277, training programs that are required to be accredited under 40 CFR 745.225, or firms or individuals who must be certified to conduct LBP activities in accordance with 40 CFR 745.226. For the full breakdown of affected firms and individuals, please visit: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OPPT-2018-0166-0360.

Health Impact:

Lead is especially impactful in young children. Lead has been linked to a number of adverse health effects in children including decreased cognitive performance, greater incidence of problem behaviors and attention-related behavioral problems. Regardless, lead exposure is hazardous to everyone of all ages, and for this very reason, the EPA is finalizing its proposal to lower the DLHS.

Effective Date:

Considering the impact of the revision to the DLHS on NLLAP-recognized laboratories, the EPA is making this rule affective January 6th, 2020 to provide a reasonable timeframe for NLLAP-recognized laboratories to accommodate the new rule.

NATEC is always here to provide you up to date information on regulations that could potentially affect you, your employees or your company. We offer Accredited Lead Training courses, EPA Lead Renovator, Repair and Paint Training and much more.


NATEC International, Inc. has updated our publicly held class start times for all branches. Please be aware as this will affect current and future training courses.


  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.
  • All other training courses are now to begin at 8:00AM with the exception of:

NATEC Oakland:

  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.

NATEC Sacramento:

  • All Hazardous Materials training/HAZWOPER training courses are now to begin at 7:30AM.

Thank you for your understanding.