This Online EPA Asbestos Project Designer Refresher 8 Hour course provides the asbestos professional with a comprehensive review of the design principles necessary for asbestos abatement projects. The course includes a review of regulatory requirements, state-of-the-art work practices, safety, abatement contract documents, and containment design principals and recent changes to applicable regulations.
Hours: 8 Hours
ABIH Credits: 1.0 CM
Prerequisites: Asbestos Project Designer Initial or annual refresher. Certificate of Completion: An AHERA certificate for Asbestos Project Designer Refresher Training will be provided to each participant that attends the class. The participant must provide NATEC with a copy of their initial course certificate and most recent applicable refresher training.
NOTE: This course does NOT qualify for A/C Pipe Certification.
NOTE: All students who are taking a refresher course MUST provide copies of their latest certificates no later than one (1) day prior to class.
Students who do not provide a certificate with a date that is less than one (1) year past the expiration date shown on their certificate, shall NOT be admitted to class.
Please verify with your state regulations if online refresher courses are accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: Course must be completed within 2 weeks of start date to meet regulatory requirements. No credit or refunds for students not completing within 2 week regulatory requirement.