Conflict Management and De-Escalation Strategies

Duration: 4-6 Hours

Course Description:

How to handle conflict and how to maneuver through the de-escalation process when faced with conflict. This course will be delivered via PowerPoint, student-based exercises designed to engage the students, and open a discussion on avoiding conflict, handling conflict and de-escalating a hostile or potential hostile situation. The students will perform some writing for discussion and articulate their views on potential resolution.

Course Objectives:

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: ward off a conflict situation and/or de-escalate the situation if they find themselves in the midst of conflict.

  • Understand the nature of conflict in human relationships
  • Identify ways that conflict can be positive or negative
  • Examine a framework for analyzing conflict situations
  • Help with de-escalation techniques

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to Conflict
  • Understanding the Nature of Conflict
  • Analyzing Conflict Situations
  • Conflict Styles
  • De-Escalation Techniques
  • Communication in Conflict
  • Reducing Escalation Tactics
  • Student Based Exercises Practical Application

Schedule & Registration

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