This Northern California Asbestos O&M Refresher 4 Hour course meets the OSHA annual training requirements for Asbestos Maintenance Workers (OSHA Class III).This course reviews regulations, topics from the original course, and any new practices or tools of the trade.
Hours 4 Hours
Prerequisites: Previous 16-hour Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Worker Initial or annual refresher(s).
Certificate of Completion: A certificate for Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Worker Refresher Training will be provided to each participant that attends the class. The participant must provide NATEC with a copy of their initial course certificate and most recent applicable refresher training.
NOTE: This course does NOT qualify for A/C Pipe Certification.
NOTE: All students who are taking a refresher course MUST provide copies of their latest certificates no later than one (1) day prior to class.
Students who do not provide a certificate with a date that is less than one (1) year past the expiration date shown on their certificate, shall NOT be admitted to class.