This Southern California Lead Supervisor / Project Monitor State Prep Exam class provides a review of the HUD Guidelines (Chapters 8, 10, 11, & 12)and California Code of Regulations (Title 17, 8, & 22 CCR) as it relates to Regulatory Requirements, H&S, Sample Collection & Analysis, Abatement Options, Containment/Cleanup/Clearance, and Admin. Duties.
Project Monitor:
This test preparation class provides a review of HUD Guidelines (Chapters 5, 7, & 15), California Code of Regulations (Title 8, 17, CCR), & Code of Federal Reguations (Title 40 CFR) as it relates to State & Federal Regulatory Requirements, Lead Hazard Evaluation, Admin. Duties, Clearance Inspection, Sampling Protocols/Procedures, Abatement Options, Containment/Barrier Systems, Waste Issues, Air Monitoring, & H&S.
4 Hours
Completion of the Lead 16-Hr Supplemental Supervision & Project Monitoring Course
You must register with CPS ( for this exam.