On November 29th, 2013, the Department of Labor institution of the Cranes and Derricks regulations play into effect as a sponsored information collection request is proposed.
This information request allows the Department of Labor to submit to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration information such as mandated records. These records include: equipment rating, employee training records, written authorizations from qualified individuals, and qualification program audits. Furthermore, a covered employer must have records documenting the measures taken to protect all respective employees from hazards in relation to the use cranes and derricks within the construction site.
Moving forward, it is important to understand new revisions among regulations to prepare companies in the instance of information collection requests. Having the vital information prevents citation, closure of worksites and also serves the well-being of employees.
For more information on this matter, please visit: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER&p_id=24044
To find out more information on training, or potential classes on this subject, please visit or contact: www.natecintl.com